Old furnace: Replace or Repair?

October 8, 2016

Good question. Let’s answer that question with some more questions. Run through this list and you should be able to figure out which option is best for you. Is it safe? If it’s releasing carbon monoxide into your home and can’t be fixed, well, that’s a clincher. You will need a new one. How old is it? If you don’t know, look for a date of manufacture on the unit. If there isn’t one, call the manufacturer with the model and serial number. You may need to turn off the heater and let it

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Warm Floors, Even in Winter

October 8, 2016

When it’s cold outside we turn up the heat, but it doesn’t always help our feet. It doesn’t have to be that way. Whether your floors are wood, carpeted, or concrete, there is a way to get rid of drafts and warm your floors (and feet) up. Most of your options take some manual labor or having a professional installation, but the benefits are … toasty. Insulation is the first step The first thing you’ll have to do is check the insulation under your floors and in your walls. Since each room is affected

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Save on Your Heating Bill: Reconnect by the Fire

October 8, 2016

Want to save a little on your bills during the season of big spending? If you have a fireplace, the energy bill is one place where you can cut back. Here are some tips you can use to know when a fire or the furnace will be suitable. Furnaces are wonderfully convenient, but leaving it on 24/7 uses up a lot of energy and racks up your monthly bill. Honestly, it’s nice to turn the heater off sometimes and light up a good fire. Finding the best times to do this can decrease your bill and even

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How to Store Your Window Air Conditioner for the Winter

September 8, 2016

Now that the weather is starting to cool down, it’s time to start thinking about the switch from cooling to heating your home. If you have a window air conditioning unit, it’s important to take the proper steps to clean and store it correctly during the winter. This will protect your air conditioner from the harsh winter weather, ensuring that it will be ready to go the following year when the weather begins to warm up. In this article, we’ll take a look at the four basic steps to taking care of your window AC unit through the winter.

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